Last undated, June 8, 2000
Well, it looks like you have stumbled upon my journal...*G* Not sure what I'm going to write about, but I'm sure it will be boring and uninteresting..*G*
The Lady behind the mask?? Not sure why, but that title has been rolling around in my head for the last few weeks.. I guess I always feel like I live behind a mask.. Only a few see behind it and only one understands what he sees..Others throughout my life saw, but didn't understand.. That's life I guess...

Looking at the reflection
Knowing what really lies beyond
Lifting the veil that conceals
The mystery of the Shadows
As the butterflies flutter
The Jewel shimmers,
Almost glowing with hope
The heart knows real beauty
The soul is beyond the mask
Who am I?
A Shadow of the Stars?
A reflection beyond the veil?
A jewel who sees the beauty!
~ŠLady StarShadow

June 8, 2000

I just finished adding my new set to my "Me" Page! It's a nice one, if I do say so myself..
About Me

Having a rough night tonight..*Sigh* Feel pretty down in the dumps, so I'm heading off to bed early.. Enjoy the page..

June 7, 2000

Quick update.. DreamLand Trinkets is open!!

I have been working on this for weeks and it's finally the way I want it.. I'm so proud of myself right now.. *Busting with excitement* Night...

May 30, 2000

I fixed the broken link..The Herbs link below was wrong.. *L* I also made a globe.. I like this one.. It turned out cool.. Globe
Not much else to report..Got a new mouse.. One of those Laser Eye things.. Cost me $70!! Geezzzz.. That was costly!! But it works so good.. I can do more precision work with my graphics now!!
Oh and I updated my Contact page. At least I think that's the right addy..*L* I downloaded Bravenet Messanger and MSN Messenger.. Both are pretty cool.. My MSN handle is and my Bravenet # is 704784.. Well, that's it for tonight.. I have to get my Hotbar pages together..Toodles..

May 26, 2000

Well, hello again..*S* This entry is exactly why I made this page.. I was approached by the Causes Constellation at SGM about my Awareness page.. My Awareness page is a page on Genital Herpes.. It is a disease I live with.. They thought it would be good for their Trials and Triumphs section.. I must say I was a little hesitant to have it added to their pages.. Not many people visit on my site and there it would be open to the public in a way that it never was here..*Sigh* So, I gathered my strength and redid the page and will e-mail them and say yes.. I made that page to help me deal with it and I thought maybe I could help someone.. Maybe now I can.. I'm a little scared about this though.. It's opened a few old wounds I thought had healed.. So many things happened at that time, some good and some bad and it's bringing it all back.. Here is the page in question.. The graphics are new, but the material is pretty old.. I need to update that too..

My New Awareness

I also just uploaded 3 new sections..Herbs, Aromatherapy, and Natural Beauty..These are all my own graphics..*S* I kind of like them..Hehehehe..
Well, I'm off for the night..

May 24, 2000

I finally got my graphics up.. I still have alot of work to do on it, but here it is in it's beginning stages.. WooHoo!!! God, I'm excited!!

DreamLand Trinkets

I have to add the fonts that I used and the font colors.. People get pretty picky about that..*L* I still have buttons and tidbits like that to make.. *L* I really want to add my globes there too.. I can't forget my muted backgrounds..Oh and my Blade Pro sets!! Hehehehe..I'm like a kid in a Candy Store with this stuff.. I also changed the link to the cardshop below.. There is a front door added to it now and I like for people to enter through there.. I guess I like to show off a bit.. I thought about adding doors like that to DreamLand Trinkets (DLT for short), but I may try something a little different instead.. For the first time in a long time, I actually feel proud of myself for something.. I have the Cardshop and my site is coming along.. I have a whole bunch of graphics sitting here in my hard drive waiting to be added to my page.. Things in Beauty are coming along too.. I don't feel as insecure being there as I once did.. I redid my SGM page too.. These graphics turned out really nice.. SGM Dedication Page..Oh and did I mention I redid EWOW (my ring).. Enlightened Women of the Web.. EWOW turns 1 year old next week.. I can't believe it's been a year!! WOW!! It hasn't been an easy year for me, but I made it through.. Alot wiser I think and hell of alot more at ease with myself and a few other things.. Oh well, now I'm beginning to ramble..*L* Did I mention, I am a chatterbox, as well?? *LOL* Night..*H & K*

May 19, 2000

I thought I would share one of my favorite songs.. I finally got the CD today and it rocks!! This song is called Crash and Burn by Savage Garden.. I was going to put the midi on here to, but it really bit the big one..*L* I didn't do the song justice.. So, you will have to settle for just the words.. *G* This groups songs have a way of getting to me, I guess.. On their first album, there was a song called "To the moon and back" and that song still makes me cry.. It was like it was written for me.. Anyhoo, here are the lyrics to that song.. It is a must get CD!!

Crash and Burn

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please to tame your wild wild heart
I know you feel like the walls are closing in on you
It's hard to find relief and people can be so cold
When darkness is upon your door and you feel like you can't
take anymore

Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

When you feel all alone
And a loyal friend is hard to find
You're caught in a one way street
With the monsters in your head
When hopes and dreams are far away and
You feel like you can't face the day

Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

Because there has always been heartache and pain
and when it's over you'll breathe again
You'll breathe again

When you feel all alone
And the world has turned its back on you
Give me a moment please
To tame your wild wild heart

Let me be the one you call
If you jump I'll break your fall
Lift you up and fly away with you into the night
If you need to fall apart
I can mend a broken heart
If you need to crash then crash and burn
You're not alone

Oh well, I'm out of here.. I think I'm going to hop onto Gooey (A really cool chat place!!)for a while and then go to bed..Night..*Hugs*

May 18, 2000

Well, thought I would try one of these new message board thingys that Tripod offers.. Not even sure what the heck it looks like..*L* Isn't that lovely?? Well, not much happened this week, except being sick.. Caught a nasty cold and it really knocked me on my ass.. I really hate being sick and since it has been happening alot, it has really worn me out.. Oh well, let's get back to this darn board..*L* Here we go, try the link below..*S*

The Lady's Board
Enter if you dare!!*Giggle*

I've come to the conclusion that this board sucks.. *LOL* It doesn't even have a place for a name.. How the heck am I going to know who I'm talking to?? Kinda funny.. Oh well.... G' Night

May 14, 2000

Happy Mother's Day!! Changed the main Index page and the second page.. These graphics are a bit racey, but I love them.. I will probably make all my pages to reflect my love for erotic art.. I guess I got sick of not doing what I wanted just because someone might not approve... My kids even got a peek at the new graphics and to them it was no big deal.. Why?? Because I didn't make a big deal of it.. Changed the midi on this page and the main pages.. Feeling a bit Melancholy (spelling??) and down lately.. The change reflects that..
Also added a contact page with an ICQ center.. I love ICQ.. Best thing they ever created, well.. next to PSP6 of course..*L* Hopefully I will have DreamLand Trinkets open in the next week or so.. I'm getting pretty excited!! My first graphic site!! It will be small, but that's they way most places start..
Off to bed.. *Hugs*

April 19, 2000

Well, I'm back and caught up.. *L* The Cardshop I was doing for Sisters of the Golden Moon is completed and was a huge success!! And the Founders announced that I could take Golden Expressions public!! I was so excited!! Would you like to see what has kept me very busy the last few weeks?? Just click on the little button below..

I got some new pics too.. I was playing with my Cam tonight..*L* I think they look the same as the other one I took..*L* Two are of me and one is my FurBaby, Mystic...I know this will slow down my page, but they are new, so this was the place to put them..*L* I think I am going to put together a Gallery at PhotoLoft for all these pics.. I'm Cam happy!! *Giggle*

Me1 Me2


Well, I think that is it for tonight.. I have a whole lot to do.. *S* Updating EWOW, so I have new graphics to make.. and I want to add a message board to my site too.. I have alot going on, but I kinda like it that way..*Giggle*

April 4, 2000
Well, I figured I had better update this page today, since I won't have a chance for the next week or so.. Beauty is swamped and since there is only 8 of us, it makes it a little busier..*L* I am throwing myself back into the cardshop over at SGM.. Recreating it, you might say.. It is going to be awesome, but I put myself on a deadline of two weeks and that is really going to push me..But I love it..*Grinz*
Not much else is going on (as usual)..*L* But you know, that is a good thing..
My friend Jo added a new section to her page and listed me on it.. She said so many nice things about me and my site.. Kinda gave me that mushy sentimental feeling..*L* And I don't get that feeling much anymore..You can get to her page off my friends page.. I need to update my friends page. I need to add Tenna and Shauna and some of my new Beauty friends.. Maybe when I get the cardshop going..
Also need to update the hubby's page.. His is in serious need of a complete overhaul.. I do have ideas though.. I want to put his pic on his page.. One of the ones taken with our video cam.. I have tons of him, since he gets into the video and voice chat..*L*
Well, that's it for me.. See all I did was ramble about nothing.. *L* At kleast I updated..*G* I'm off to PSP..

April 1, 2000
April Fools Day
Well, nothing is new.. I have no life outside of PSP these days..*L* I finished my last newsletter for my group CSS.. Kind of sad, but I needed a break.. I have been doing it for almost a year and was feeling a little stale.. It needed new blood.. My co-editor will make a great Editor in Cheif.. Teresa a great Lady and an excellent editor..*S*
On the homefront, things are the same as always..*S* Pretty good.. Computer is giving me a problem though.. I think the tech at Mindspring screwed something up, because now Windows keeps shutting down on me.. Glad we got a Compaq though, since they offer great support..But it never did this before we had the problem with Mindspring.. I hate PC problems, I don't know how to fix them.. *Pout* If you know what might be my problem, e-mail me.. I could use all the help I can get..*L* or you could ICQ me..My number is 64566226.. When you ask for authorization, just let me know what it is in reference to..*S*
Don't really have anymore to report.. Have to go make my kids their Saturday night popcorn..
Big Hugzzzz

March 27, 2000
Kids are off of school today.. They call it acedemic break.. I call it a pain in the butt..*L* Tomorrow we have to meet with the school psychiatrist about my little 6 year old Dylan.. He was tested for a learning disability a few weeks ago and we just got the tests back this week.. They were pretty bad..*Sigh* He is always going to have problems.. He is a slow learner and they said he was at the top of the scale for being intermediately impaired.. I sat there and just wanted to cry.. My Dyl is so special and so loving and so full of life.. I just don't want him to have to go through this.. But together as a family, we will get through it.. And my friends have helped also.. I have some pretty great online sisters.. They have really showed me the meaning of friendship..
I redid my front two pages and the name of my site.. Now it is Mystic DreamLand.. Kind of goes with the name I have been using in the chatrooms lately, Mystic Dreamer.. I don't do chat very much, but on ocassion I get the urge to drag my butt out of PSP6 and see who's in the chatrooms..*L* I'm really proud of these graphics.. *S* They turned out really beautiful.. I also redid my SGM dedication page.. I needed to change the content to reflect the changes there.. In some ways it feels like a big relief to be able to have the time to play with my graphics, but I do miss my webtv team.. The ladies of Beauty have been wonderful.. They are always encouraging me the way no one else does, except for maybe my hubby..Oh and I mustn't forget Babs, Jo and Tenna.. The three of them are my own personal cheering team, I think..*L* They understand my need to be creative and just how important to me it is to be good at it.. Not many people do understand.. They think it is silly.. I think if they tried PSP they would be as hooked as I am..*L* I finally found a place where I belong and it feels really good..
Well that's it for now.. I'm feeling a bit under the weather this morning.. I need to get my butt to the doctor and get these lumps on my legs looked at..*L* One of these days I will find the time..
Luv N' Hugzzz

March 19, 2000
Well, as you can see, I changed the graphics on this page.. The others were aweful.. *L* And they had looked so good on my WebTV, too..*L* You will see alot of changes over the next month, I think..
I had to redo my front page, since I am an idiot and erased my previous page..*L* It happened because the old Tripod editor I used for Webtv is alot different than this editor.. Hopefully that won't happen again..*L*
Not much else is going on here.. The hubby bought me a carpet steamer, so I have been doing some cleaning..*L* I swear that man spoils me.. *S* And I have really been enjoying my PC, as well...We bought the game The Sims and, man oh man, I am hooked.. I am going to try and put my Sims on the web, I think.. If you are looking for a good game, this is the game to get.. I recommend it highly.. You will be hooked the first time..
I think this page is going to be a combination Journal/What's New page.. I keep meaning to update once a week, but things get hectic here.. 4 Kids, a hubby who works 70 hours a week, and a puppy who likes to eat rolls of toilet paper, keep this woman pretty busy lately..*LOL* But I wouldn't have it any other way..~~Luv N' Stuff~~ LSS

February 18,2000

Well......I'm back...*L* New and improved, with a kick-a** computer.. *L* WebTV is gone..Got me a new e-mail addy.*L* I swear this sucker is fully loaded.. *L* Let's see.. 19" monitor, 700 MHz, 40gb harddrive, rewriteable CD, DVD..The list goes on.. Already downloaded ICQplus, figured out how to use OE and ICQ plus skinz.. I'm a cookin now.. *L* Not much else has been going on in the way of my life.. Got a new hair doo..Lost a few pounds.. Life is good..*G* Well, gonna end it here.. I will try and update my journal a bit more frequently.. *L* Just been busy with my new toy.. Happy trails.............

More to follow............

If you find any bad links just let me know..
The names that have an asterick next to them are recently updated pages!!


Special Notes
To view this page the way it was intended to be viewed, you must have Brock Script.

A special thanks to the Beauty Gals from Sisters of the Golden Moon for the Blade Pro Preset I used to make the text and buttons..The best Sisters a gal could have..

Midi playing is "Spanish Eyes", by The Backstreet Boys (Yummy).. Content and graphics were created by Lady StarShadow. Please do not take them without permission.